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 Catriona Keith     writing as 

  Cait Woods

"I’ve always loved words, and the doors they open."


The books and music that inspires...

100 Words Project

In 2017 I participated in the 100 Words Project, which involves writing 100 words a day.

Sample Chapters

Please follow the links below for samples of my novels. 

About Cait

I live in North East Scotland, although my heart is often in the West Highlands. The rest of me spends as much time there as it can.


I studied medieval French literature to doctoral level and worked as a Teaching Fellow at Aberdeen University, before retraining as a Modern Languages teacher. I’ve always loved words, and the doors they open.


When I’m not fully occupied keeping my two beautiful children alive and well, I am mostly reading, writing and riding my feisty Arab horse. I also perform alongside my talented sister in law singing Scottish Traditional music. 

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Contact Me

I'd love to hear from you. Or if you just want to follow me on Social Media, please like Cait Woods Author on Facebook. 

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